Received 06/06/2019
My son, the world has always had wars, and men have fought and died in these wars. Wars are fought for one reason -- MONEY!
Yes, many can say they (wars) are fought for land, natural resources, religion, and many other reasons, but the ROOT OF ALL WARS IS MONEY.
The men who control the world, the elite globalists, will make fortunes if the world is at war. The globalists lend money to both sides so they always win, plus they OWN the world's banks, and war brings in big money!
My son, I have said in previous words to you what will be the wars to come, but only a few read and believed Me. Here is the list again of who will go to war.
There will be wars ON the earth, IN the earth, and ABOVE the earth. Space will be littered with so much debris that will fall to earth as shooting stars. (I understood and saw this to be WAR IN SPACE with the targeting and shooting of satellites, etc., and debris orbiting the earth falling and getting knocked out of orbit, entering into the atmosphere, and burning up and/or crashing.)
(Note: I want to clearly emphasize that the following list was not given in sequence or in any kind of order. Also, it is not a complete list of the wars that will break out around the world and the nations that will be involved in these wars. The Lord has previously shown me other nations that will also erupt into conflict to the point that the entire world will be at war. I was not told when and in what order any of this will take place, but was only told very soon. It is all in Gods timing, not ours. At the same time as the Lord was speaking this list to me, He was also showing me a vision of each of these events happening.)
1. America will continue to be in war until the end (of America as a major power). She will fight on a multitude of fronts and be spread so thin that a draft of young men will be called on.
2. America will attack Iran after a major false flag event will draw the nation (America) in. Many men will die as Iran is backed by Russia and China.
3. China will attack Taiwan. The U.S. will try to stop China, but cannot. America backs away (but not completely) because the fight against Iran is difficult.
4. With America tied up with Iran and China, North Korea invades South Korea. North Korea also sends a nuclear missile to Japan.
5. As Americans become enraged (over what is happening), Russia sends over an EMP attack to America. With America now in the dark, Russia will wait until the majority of Americans kill each other, die, or commit suicide. (I saw massive, massive chaos and hysteria everywhere over every part of the entire country, roving gangs, people killing for food, and everyone only concerned with one thing -- survival!) Then both Russia and China invade America.
6. America sends nuclear rockets toward Russia (after the EMP strike), but the Russians are prepared and they survive. (Russia practices disaster preparedness drills with moving their people into underground shelters.) With America now in the dark, the US military and the UN forces will be in control. Martial law will be declared, and many Americans are killed in battles.
7. Russia takes over Venezuela and takes control of the oil.
8. The world's economy will be in shambles -- the whole world is at war. The seals have been opened, and the Antichrist will bring PEACE TO THE WORLD. (I saw all the money being thrown out into the streets and it blowing around in the wind everywhere because it was worthless.)
9. Millions of people will vanish as there will be a mighty revival and harvest of souls during the judgments. (I was not shown when this will occur during the events/Tribulation.)
Now Jacob's Trouble begins.
My son, all these words have been said before so My Remnant will know what is coming very soon. The Time of Judgment is here as I have also said many times.
My Body WILL WAKE UP, and they will HIT THEIR KNEES and STAY on them, for they will be bloodied from so much prayer!!
My Children WILL walk in GREAT FAITH!! They will have need of nothing, for I will be their God, and I will supply their every need!!!
Many parts of the world that have not seen such battles will be in shock. The men who fought in the last Great War saw such sights. Many of those Warriors are at home here with Me.
My son, I say all this NOT to put fear in My Body, but to WARN AND PREPARE them!
Many will see death and destruction all around, but FEAR NOT!! These events are but the wars that will occur! There will also be natural events, unnatural events, man-made events -- these are but the Judgments of the Days of Sorrows. These events are NOT the Tribulation, for those days will be far worse!
The Great Tribulation spoken of will be like never before seen on Earth at any time! Have your houses in order, for the War Events are now in gear and moving forward at great speed!
I love you all, but GET READY for the Time of War is at hand, and you MUST be prepared!!
I AM coming soon, but not soon enough for some.
Messiah Jesus
Matthew 24:6-8
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Written by Byron Searle
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